A Generative Approach to AI A Generative Approach to AI

Taking the GenAI Learning Journey with Customers

One of the unspoken truths about generative AI (GenAI) is that everyone is learning as they go. Perhaps that’s because the pace of innovation is so quick that the learning curve continues to soar upward.

Consider even the most recent advances, including Microsoft’s plans to integrate Chat GTP-4 Turbo into Copilots to handle “complex and longer tasks”; Google’s rollout of the Gemini suite of models Ultra, Pro and Nano that support everything from high-end hardware to mobile phones; and even Apple’s release on GitHub of its ML-Explore (MLX) array framework for machine learning designed for Apple silicon.

The pace can seem dizzying at times. We at Hitachi Digital Services along with our parent company, Hitachi Ltd., have been working in AI for decades and even we are learning new things about the capabilities, opportunities, and potential risks of GenAI every day.